7、亚瑟•休斯(Arthur Hughes 1832-1915)
有人曾这样评价他的画:"the knife-edge between sentiment and sentimentality" 但因为明亮的用色和细致的细节,休斯的作品并不显得感伤。 他也是一个十分活跃的插画家。
Sir Galahad 加拉哈德
加拉哈德骑士是亚瑟王传奇中的人物,他被称为圣洁骑士,画面描写他寻找圣杯之旅,配有以下的诗:<br /> 'The clouds are broken in the sky,<br /> And thro' the mountain-walls,<br /> A rolling organ-harmony<br /> Swells up, and shakes and falls,<br /> Then move the trees, the copses nod,<br /> Wings flutter, voices hover clear:<br /> Oh just and faithful knight of God!<br /> Ride on: the prize is near.<br /> So pass I hostel, hall, and grange;<br /> By bridge and ford, by park and pale,<br /> All-arm'd I ride, whate'er betide,<br /> Until I find the holy Grail'.<br /> ....<br /> A gentle sound, an awful sight!<br /> Three angels bear the holy grail:<br /> With folded feet, in stoles of white,<br /> On sleeping wings they sail.'<br /> <br /> Painting Date: 1865-70<br /> Medium: Oil on canvas<br /> Size: 113 x 167.5 cm<br /> Location: Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, England