

5、伯恩-琼斯(Edward Burne-Jones)



伯恩-琼斯在给友人的信中说:“我在我的作品中创造一个美丽而浪漫的梦境,它不曾存在过,将来也不会存在。那光线比任何现实中的光线都要美,那片大陆不存在与任何人的记忆中,形式庄严而美丽,你能想象么……("I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be - in a light better than ever shone - in a land that no one can define or remember, only desire - and the forms divinely beautiful...")

The Beguiling of Merlin 受骗的梅林

图像 /

一幅以亚瑟王传奇为蓝本的作品:亚瑟王的姐姐摩根女爵为了摧毁亚瑟王朝派女巫薇薇安跟随梅林学习魔法, 薇薇安骗取梅林的爱情和信任,最终用梅林自己设下的魔法捉住梅林。这是亚瑟王朝衰落的开始。
诗人丁纳生(Tennyson)在Idylls of the Kings中描述薇薇安如何欺骗梅林说出可以束缚住人的咒语:
A storm was coming, but the winds were still
And in the wild woods of Broceliande
Before an oak, so hollow, huge and old...
At Merlin's feet the wily Vivien lay
lissome-limbed, she
Writhed towards him, slided up his knee and sat,
Behind his ankle twined her hollow feet
Together, curved an arm about his neck,
Clung like a snake.
Painting Date: 1874
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 186.2 x 110.5 cm
Location: Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool, England
