

页码: 80, 行数 16-17: 大网越收越紧,勒得他喘不过气来
原文:…to strangle him.

页码: 80, 行数 24-25: 上次梵拉攻打梅尔克的时候,匆忙中没有发现这个秘密之地。
原文:to which the Valar in the haste of their assault had not descended,

页码: 80, 行数 26: 现在,它听到莫高斯的叫喊,立刻站起身来
原文:now swiftly they arose,
商榷: 复数,复数。。。

页码: 81, 行数 9: 雅万娜还在担心茜玛丽尔会被莫高斯一口吞掉,永远消失
原文:And thus the fear of Yavanna that the Silmarils would be swallowed up and fall into nothingness
商榷: “会被莫高斯一口吞掉”在原句里何处有这个,要吞也不会是Morgoth。

页码: 81, 行数 10-11: 他把能够找到的仆人都集中起来,带到安戈班恩德
原文:And he being freed gathered again all his servants that he could find, and came to the ruins of Angband.
商榷: “being freed”, “the ruins of”被遗漏。.

页码: 81, 行数 11-12: 他在要塞上面堆起一座大山,塞戈罗德利姆
原文:and above their gates he reared the threefold peaks of Thangorodrim,
商榷: “the threefold peaks” 被遗漏。

页码: 81, 行数 14-15: 黑暗笼罩着贝勒里安德。
原文:Dark now fell the shadow on Beleriand, as is told hereafter,
商榷: “as is told hereafter”, “the shadow”被遗漏。

页码: 81, 行数 21-22: 只有指挥大军的时候,才登上北面的宝座
原文:but governed his armies from his northern throne.
商榷: 原句似乎是“从北方的王座上统御大军”。

页码: 81, 行数 23-25: 现在,与从前乌图木诺时代相比,他似乎少了几分骄傲,多了几分谦和,更多的是满腔仇恨。他要统治奴仆臣民,用邪恶的欲望鼓舞士气。因为费心劳神,常觉精力不济
原文:For now, more than in the days of Utumno ere his pride was humbled, his hatred devoured him, and in the domination of his servants and the inspiring of them with lust of evil he spent his spirit.
商榷: 完全翻错。这里直译为:因为现在,他的仇恨吞噬着他,比他的骄傲被折服前在Utumno的日子里更甚,而且在统治他的臣仆并灌输给他们欲望和邪恶中,他消耗了自己的灵魂。

页码: 82, 行数 2: 梵拉还摸黑坐在圆形议事台上
原文:the Valar remained long seated in darkness in the Ring of Doom,
商榷: 除了台子的问题外,那个long seated被遗漏, “摸黑”也太口语化了。

页码: 82, 行数 6: 明多恩大塔楼上的灯在一片昏暗中放射出枯黄的光。
原文:and the lamp of the Mindon burned pale in the gloom.
商榷: pale和枯黄不是一个颜色。

页码: 82, 行数 11: 费阿诺长于辞令,讲出来的话极富煽动人心的力量。
原文:Feanor was a master of words, and his tongue had great power over hearts when he would use it;
商榷: “when he would use it” 被遗漏。

页码: 82, 行数 11-12: 这天夜里他更是唇枪舌剑,口若悬河,发表的演说让所有精灵永远难忘。
原文:and that night he made a speech before the Noldor which they ever remembered.
商榷: “唇枪舌剑,口若悬河” 四字短语也不知道何处提到。

页码: 82, 行数 12: 他言辞激烈
原文:Fierce and fell were his words,
商榷: “and fell” 被遗漏。

页码: 82, 行数 23: 你们个个都是勇敢无畏的精灵。
商榷: 翻译添加的。

页码: 82, 行数 23-24: 现在,先王已去,国难当头
原文:And have ye not all lost your King?
商榷: 原句为“难道你们不(也)失去了你们的君王?”

页码: 82, 行数 26-27: 现在黑暗笼罩了整个世界,光明成了泡影。
原文:but now dark levels all.
商榷: 原句似乎是“现在黑暗让一切平等”。

页码: 83, 行数 2: 在奎维内恩,晴朗的星空下溪水淙淙,绿草如茵
原文:In Cuiviénen sweet ran the waters under unclouded stars,

页码: 83, 行数 3: 由于我们的愚蠢,我们抛弃了这些至爱亲朋。现在,他们还在那里等待我们重归故里。
原文:There they lie still and await us who in our folly forsook them.

页码: 83, 行数 11: 但是,我们必胜无疑!

页码: 83, 行数 16-17: 就是追到天边,也要生擒活捉莫高斯!
原文:After Morgoth to the ends of the Earth!

页码: 83, 行数 22-24: 他们以伊路瓦塔的名义发誓,谁也不能违背自己的誓言,如有违反,就让黑暗永远降临在他的头上。
原文:They swore an oath which none shall break, and none should take, by the name even of Ilúvatar, calling the Everlasting Dark upon them if they kept it not;
商榷: “and none should take” 被遗漏。

页码: 83, 行数 26-27: 只要将茜玛丽尔据为己有,就是他们不共戴天的敌人。诺尔多精灵就满怀仇恨,战斗到底,不夺回来,誓不罢休。
原文:to pursue with vengeance and hatred to the ends of the World…time should bring forth unto the end of days, whoso should hold or take or keep a Silmaril from their possession.
商榷: 这里是Feanor和七子所发誓言,不是整族“诺尔多精灵”。

