


精灵宝钻 第九章。

Total: 107处。

页码:77, 行数 1: 圆形议事台
原文:Ring of Doom

页码: 77, 行数 3-4: 波涛汹涌的大海裹挟着层层暗影扑岸而来
原文:and rolled back the shadows of the sea.
商榷: “roll back” 完全被翻译错

页码: 77, 行数 7: 落在她的脚边
原文:and fell lifeless at her feet
商榷: “lifeless” 被遗漏

页码: 78, 行数 2: 费阿诺痛苦地说:“非同小可也好,不非同小可也罢”
原文:But Feanor spoke then, and cried bitterly: “For the less even as for the greater…”
商榷: 我认为原意是“对于更渺小者正如同对于更伟大者一样……”

页码: 78, 行数 3: 那是我们心之所系,希望之所在
原文:and in that deed his heart shall rest.
商榷: “希望之所在”不知道何处提到

页码: 78, 行数 5: 要想打开它们,除非先杀了我,打开我的心脏!
原文:and if I must break them, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain.
商榷: 我认为原意接近于“心碎”或者“打碎我的心血”之类,而不是“打开心脏”。

页码: 78, 行数 5-6: 在阿曼所有埃尔达精灵里,我将第一个赴死!
原文:and I shall be slain; first of all the Eldar in Aman.
商榷: 我认为“赴死”和“被杀”还是有意愿上的差别的。

页码: 78, 行数 14-15: (费阿诺):“……如果梵拉一定强迫我,请先告诉世人,梅尔克是不是你们的同类?”
原文:(Feanor)’….But if the Valar will constrain me, then shall I know indeed that Melkor is of their kindred.’ Then Mandos said:’Thou hast spoken.’
商榷: 这句台湾翻译做“汝出此言,覆水难收”极为传神。而译林错了十万八千里。在这里Feanor指责Valar为世界之敌Morgoth的同党,Mandos怎么会说出“你说的没错”,简直错得离谱。“请先告诉世人”也是翻译自己写的。

页码: 78, 行数 20-21: 他们说,从北面来了一团漆黑的东西,宛如巨大的斗篷;黑斗篷中间有一个神秘的、无人知晓的妖怪,不断喷吐出浓黑的烟雾。
原文:…For they told how a blind Darkness came northward, and in the midst walked some power for which there was no name, and the Darkness issued from it.

页码: 78, 行数 24: 快乐王国第一次洒下精灵的鲜血
原文:and spilled the first blood in the Blessed Realm;
商榷:Blessed Realm翻译成快乐王国太童话了,和《魔戒》也不一样。

页码: 78, 行数 26: 费阿诺气得暴跳如雷
原文:Then Feanor rose,…

页码: 78, 行数 27: 黑色妖魔,世界之敌
原文:the Black Foe of the World
商榷: “妖魔”也不知道从何处来的,翻译不搞四字短语就不舒坦呵。

页码: 79, 行数 1: 如果他在方梅诺斯要塞,梅尔克的阴谋一定不会得逞,父亲也不会命丧黄泉。
原文:thinking in the madness of his rage and grief that had he been at Formenos his strength would have availed more than to be slain also, as Melkor had purposed.
商榷:: “in the madness of his rage and grief”被遗漏。

页码: 79, 行数 2: 圆形议事台
原文:Ring of Doom
商榷: 同一个台子问题。

页码: 79, 行数 7-8: 雅万娜失声痛哭,担心黑暗吞没瓦里诺之光的最后一丝亮光。
原文:and Yavanna wept by the mound, in fear that the Darkness should swallow the last rays of the Light of Valinor for ever.
商榷: “by the mound” 遗漏。

页码: 79, 行数 15: 这块土地在佩罗瑞山与大海之间
原文:This land lay northward between the Mountains of the Pelóri and the Great Sea,

页码: 79, 行数 20: 跨过海峡,莫高斯终于回到中洲。
原文:and he crossed over, and came back at last to the north of the Outer Lands.
商榷: north of the Outer Lands.翻译成中洲不精确。

页码: 79, 行数 20: 他们继续前进
原文:Together they went on,
商榷: “Together” 被遗漏。

页码: 79, 行数 23: 现在,安戈班恩德——铁牢的废墟近在咫尺。
原文:Now Morgoth was drawing near to the ruins of Angband, where his great western stronghold had been;
商榷: “great western stronghold” 完全没表达出来,Morgoth也被遗漏。

页码: 80, 行数 6-7: 乌戈利安特的贪欲并没有因此而得到满足,相反她愈发饥饿难忍。
原文:Huger and darker yet grew Ungoliant, but her lust was unsated.
商榷: 这里前半句是说Ungoliant变得越来越饥饿和黑暗。

页码: 80, 行数 13: 它永远属于我。
原文:I name them unto myself for ever.

页码: 80, 行数 14-16: 可是乌戈利安特已经变得十分强大,莫高斯因为一直东奔西跑力量大不如前。她飞身跃起,轻扬双臂,一团黑色的云雾把梅尔克紧紧包裹起来。
原文:But Ungoliant had grown great, and he less by the power that had gone out of him; and she rose against him, and her cloud closed about him,
商榷:and she rose against him不是“飞身跃起,轻扬双臂”(那是只蜘蛛呀!)完全是在胡编,Morgoth也不是什么“东奔西跑”,只是说他因为力量流失而被削弱。

