7、亚瑟•休斯(Arthur Hughes 1832-1915)
有人曾这样评价他的画:"the knife-edge between sentiment and sentimentality" 但因为明亮的用色和细致的细节,休斯的作品并不显得感伤。 他也是一个十分活跃的插画家。
Ophelia 奥菲利娅
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休斯笔下的奥菲利娅纤弱优美,宛若林泽女神.<br /> 画框上有这样的题诗:<br /> 'There is a willow grows aslant the brook,<br /> That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream;<br /> There with fantastic garlands did she come.<br /> Of crow-flowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples.<br /> There on the pendant boughs her coronet weeds<br /> Clambering to hang an envious sliver broke.<br /> When down the weedy trophies and herself<br /> Fell in the weeping brook.'<br /> <br /> Painting Date: 1851-53<br /> Medium: Oil on canvas<br /> Size: 68.5 x 124 cm<br /> Location: Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester, England