Book Description
The tale of the Trojan War brilliantly retold by the author of THE THORN BIRDS
. Does for Greek Mythology what SOPHIES WORLD did for Western philosophy.Synopsis
The tragic and terrible drama of the war between Greeks and Trojans, the long
siege of Troy, and the impact of one woman’s beauty on the fate of two nations
, is played out again in this dazzling novel based on Homer’s Iliad. Here is t
he enchanting Helen, who we first meet as a spoiled teenager and whose passion
for the handsome, reckless Paris leads to the betrayal of her husband, King M
enelaus, and the fall of the House of Troy. Here is powerful King Agamemnon wi
th his terrifyingly ambitious wife Klytemnestra and his soothsaying mistress K
assandra. We meet Odysseus, doomed to wander the Aegean for twenty long years;
brave Achilles, who is haunted by the mad shade of his mother; the heroes Hek
tor and Ajax, and many more. Chapter by chapter the narrative is handed from o
ne character to another as the long years of siege, bloody battles, love and d eath unfold and the gods exact their retribution. With extraordinary vividness
Colleen McCullough engages our sympathy for each character and gives this anc
ient saga a contemporary sense of urgency and excitement. An unputdownable read
and the
best possible way to introduce a new generation of readers to one of the grea
test stories ever told.trully amazing, 8 April, 2000
Reviewer: kurtdecoene from ghent – Belgium
It was years ago that I read (parts) of the ‘Iliad’ in school. My brother, who
studied latin and classic Greek in highschool gave this book to me (to read –
I had to give it back). This is an amazing adaptation of the original story,
bringing ancient heroes back to life. And having them tell their own story – b
rilliant !She brought Heroes back to life, heroes with their small human side and flaws
without deminishing their grandure. I’ve always loved history, and this book s
hows how the real cause for the Troyan war was economic rather than a kidnappe
d Helen (though i admitingly like the romantic idea of the latter)谢谢。以前我还以为这是个半科幻的作品(汗。。。)
另外,冰火总站里头有全部的家族介绍,包括徽章等等,不过同样拷 不下来,只能在网上看。可以呀,这几天上不去天人,没看到留言,汗。
至于斯蒂芬・金这些现代小说。我看的话,有一种恐惧,不是别的,因为他们抛开了对世界的建构,而着重于剧情,往往结局出人意料,让人有一种目眩的感觉,但却缺少了那种梦幻般的奇幻经历。当然,这并不是什么缺点,而是我自己的偏好罢了。hoho….事实上,是我个人不太喜欢现代奇幻,因为我觉得奇幻本就是现代人在这个科技时代对精神的一种再追求。求索失落的浪漫情怀和人文精神。因此,远古的,神话似的,传说等等,是被赋予了一定的意象。当然,现代的东西要写也不是不会出彩,关键是要把握好,america gods就是一个典范吧。
当然,现代的奇幻我还不知道该如何具体定义,我想应该很容易和科幻混在一起吧。但是,我希望不要变成卫斯理、倪匡那样。 -