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Nott 更新于 2005-04-04 06:55 。
2005-03-11 14:15 #2778
标题:ZT:专业作家的烂小说 【1258字】
猫怪 在 2005-03-11 17:58:24 的评论
2005年03月10日 10:19 新京报
本报综合报道 新书《亚特兰大之夜》是一部描写上流社会的现实小说,在亚马逊网站上卖17.96美元一本,近日在网站上热卖,该书的宣传语是“专业作家写出的烂小说”,相当多的读者留言大力推荐这部小说,其中不乏从事专业写作的人。其实这部“烂小说”的诞生源于一场报复行动。
2005-03-11 14:18 #27677Science Fiction Authors Hoax Vanity Publisher
“Atlanta Nights,” by Travis Tea, was offered a publishing contract by PublishAmerica of Frederick, Maryland.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) January 28, 2005 — Over a holiday weekend last year, some thirty-odd science fiction writers banged out a chapter or two apiece of “Atlanta Nights,” a novel about hot times in Atlanta high society. Their objective: to write a deeply awful novel to submit to PublishAmerica, a self-described “traditional publisher” located in Frederick, Maryland.
The project began after PublishAmerica posted an attack on science fiction authors at one of its websites (http://www.authorsmarket.net/). PublishAmerica claimed “As a rule of thumb, the quality bar for sci-fi and fantasy is a lot lower than for all other fiction…. [Science fiction authors] have no clue about what it is to write real-life stories, and how to find them a home.” It described them as “writers who erroneously believe that SciFi, because it is set in a distant future, does not require believable storylines, or that Fantasy, because it is set in conditions that have never existed, does not need believable every-day characters.”
The writers wanted to see where PublishAmerica puts its own quality bar; if the publisher really is selective, as the company claims, or if it is a vanity press that will accept almost anything, as publishing professionals assert.
“Atlanta Nights” was completed, any sign of literary competence was blue-penciled, and the resulting manuscript was submitted.
PublishAmerica accepted it.
From: PublishAmerica Aquisitions [e-mail protected from spam bots]
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Subject: Atlanta NightsAs this is an important piece of email regarding your book, please read it completely from start to finish. I am happy to inform you that PublishAmerica has decided to give “Atlanta Nights” the chance it deserves….Welcome to PublishAmerica, and congratulations on what promises to be an exciting time ahead.
Meg Phillips
Acquisitions Editor
PublishAmericaThe hoax was publicly revealed on January 23, 2005. PublishAmerica withdrew their offer shortly afterward:
From: “PublishAmerica Acquisitions”
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005
Subject: Your Submission to PublishAmericaWe must withdraw our offer to publish “Atlanta Nights”. Upon further review it appears that your work is not ready to be published. There are portions of nonsensical text in the manuscript that were caught by our editing staff as they previewed the text for editing time assessment pending your acceptance of our offer.
On the positive side, maybe you want to consider contracting the book with a vanity publisher such as iUniverse or Author House. They will certainly publish your book at a fee.
Thank you.
PublishAmerica Acquisitions DepartmentThose who wish to see the novel, “Atlanta Nights” by Travis Tea, for themselves can find it at
http://www.lulu.com/travis-teaPublication at Lulu.com is free.
For more information about PublishAmerica and vanity presses, see:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25187-2005Jan20.html上面的联接似乎不能用,想要拜读这部奇书还可以到下面地址下载:http://www.cs.du.edu/~aburt/StingManuscript.pdf (575k)
2005-03-11 14:39 #27678再转:合作者
Atlanta Nights – Contributors
Chapter 1. Sherwood Smith
2. James D. Macdonald
3. Sheila Finch
4. Charles Coleman Finlay
5. Julia West
6. Brook West
7. Adam-Troy Castro
8. Allen Steele
10. Mary Catelli
11. Andrew Burt
12a. Victoria Strauss
13. Vera Nazarian
14. Sean P. Fodera
17. Charles Coleman Finlay
18. M. Turville Heitz
19. Kevin O’Donnell, Jr
20. Chuck Rothman
21. N/A
22. Laura J. Underwood
23. Jena Snyder
24. Paul Melko
25. Tina Kuzminski
26. Ted Kuzminski
27. Megan Lindholm and Robin Hobb
28. Danica and Brook West
29. Rowan and Julia West
30. Derryl Murphy
31. Michael Armstrong
32. Pierce Askegren
33. Deanna Hoak
34. Computer generated
35. Catherine Mintz
36. Peter Heck
37. M. Turville Heitz
39. Brenda Clough
41. Judi B. Castro
42.I know that Teresa Nielsen Hayden wrote a chapter, but she won’t own up to which one it is. Some of these people are spouses, some are children, and Robin Hobb and Megan Lindholm are the same person. Obviously, I couldn’t find a site for every writer listed, which is too bad.
2005-03-12 07:11 #27679所以市场抄作很重要啊:p
2005-03-20 04:01 #27680美国人真是……怎么都可以拿来炒作
2005-04-01 13:13 #27681喷饭^_^
2005-04-04 06:55 #27682我喜欢的一个作家说过一句话“我希望有一天后人在谈论一个作家的作品时称赞,而谈到这个作家时说‘真不是个东西’,而不是相反”
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