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festony 更新于 2005-01-26 14:57 。
2003-03-17 15:22 #8175
2003-03-18 02:14 #8176这个问题…………你们是想看“双刀游侠崔斯特”还是“双刀巡林客”崔斯特呢?
2003-03-19 11:54 #8177我觉得游侠和圣骑士最好,两个名字既贴切又威风HOHO!
2003-03-20 03:27 #8178圣骑士不如叫圣武士,巡林客太文皱皱的了,还是游侠好
2003-04-15 09:26 #8179巡林侠好了嘛,哈哈
这个名字很烂,forget it.
2003-04-18 13:47 #8180恩
便是The Real Thing: High Fantasy for True Fans这个评论1。This is a powerful trope indeed in this century of loss
这里的century of loss 指的是文中的还是现实?2 Dianora, the woman of Tigana who was brought to the King’s saishan to, as she then thought, fulfill her vow to assassinate him,
这个saishan 是什么?3 palm翻译成手掌合适么,还有province,感觉省份这个词很不合气氛
4。Not only are there the various provinces of the Palm, with their varied cultures and histories, but there is a specific religion, made up of a triad of one god and two goddesses which the whole Palm worships, as well as the other gods and goddesses of other parts of the world
那个是三位一体吧,后面那句as well as 没起什么作用。。。5.But her insight, coming as it does from a slight distance, helps to make Brandin a believable tragic figure
这个insight什么意思啊?后面半句解释看不懂。。2003-04-18 17:54 #81811。This is a powerful trope indeed in this century of loss
这里的century of loss 指的是文中的还是现实?
上一段写了一个loss,这个应该就是指上一段的了。2 Dianora, the woman of Tigana who was brought to the King’s saishan to, as she then thought, fulfill her vow to assassinate him,
这个saishan 是什么?
我不清楚,因为还没看,pug应该知道,问问他吧。3 palm翻译成手掌合适么,还有province,感觉省份这个词很不合气氛
4。Not only are there the various provinces of the Palm, with their varied cultures and histories, but there is a specific religion, made up of a triad of one god and two goddesses which the whole Palm worships, as well as the other gods and goddesses of other parts of the world
那个是三位一体吧,后面那句as well as 没起什么作用。。。
后面的as well as是指世界的其他部分也有地位相同的宗教信仰。5.But her insight, coming as it does from a slight distance, helps to make Brandin a believable tragic figure
这个,恐怕又要找看过原书的人了。2003-04-21 14:46 #8182rt,thanks:D
2003-04-22 04:15 #8183。。。好歹给各原句阿
2003-04-22 05:41 #8184我只是觉得这是个比喻词,说某人像 poleaxed steer什么的.具体意识说不上来
2003-05-02 08:36 #81851。This is a powerful trope indeed in this century of loss
这里的century of loss 指的是文中的还是现实?我觉得这句话是说,Kay的小说是对20世纪发生的一些事的文学镜像。要理解这一点的话,读一下Kay为Tigana十周年纪念版所写的后记就明白了。
2 Dianora, the woman of Tigana who was brought to the King’s saishan to, as she then thought, fulfill her vow to assassinate him,
这个saishan 是什么?saishan是后宫
3 palm翻译成手掌合适么,还有province,感觉省份这个词很不合气氛
4。Not only are there the various provinces of the Palm, with their varied cultures and histories, but there is a specific religion, made up of a triad of one god and two goddesses which the whole Palm worships, as well as the other gods and goddesses of other parts of the world
那个是三位一体吧,后面那句as well as 没起什么作用。。。是三位一体,不过后面的as well as 是指Kay所创造的世界不止这一种宗教。
5.But her insight, coming as it does from a slight distance, helps to make Brandin a believable tragic figure
这个insight什么意思啊?后面半句解释看不懂。。insight 是指深刻的了解,slight distance不是较远的距离,而是非常近的距离。
Dianora混入Brandin的后宫本来是想杀死他,但最后却情不自禁地爱上了他。2003-05-15 12:41 #8186coin tricks是什么意思?
the Egyptian cat goddess Bast
the Irish Mad Sweeney
the Slavic god of darkness and death, Czernobog
American Gods follows Shadow, a recently released ex-con with a knack for coin tricks, on an expansive adventure across America’s heartland.
急~~~~~~~~~2003-05-15 16:18 #8187汗,这些似乎要找看过原作的人了
2003-05-16 07:00 #8188coin tricks:
我当初也没能翻译出来. 它在书中的意思是: 使用硬币来表演一些高超的戏法, 如原本硬币在左手, 你在别人面前把它变到右手,诸如此类,就象耍牌的, 或者帽子里跳出一只兔子.the Egyptian cat goddess Bast
the Irish Mad Sweeney
the Slavic god of darkness and death, Czernobog这些神, 恩,虽然我看过书, 但对他们也没仔细研究, 因为书里也没有特别说明, 只是有印象都是各个民族中有名的神.
American Gods follows Shadow, a recently released ex-con with a knack for coin tricks, on an expansive adventure across America’s heartland.
美国诸神描写的是 Shadow (人名), 一个刚从监狱里释放出来的, 会巧妙的硬币戏法的前罪犯, 穿越美国心脏地带的疯狂冒险.
顺便说一句, 这部小说真的很好, 它是2002星云,雨果双料最佳小说奖. 虽然说一位作家同时获得过雨果,星云不是特别稀罕, 但同一部作品能同时获得这两项奖还是比较少见, 至少不是每一两年就能看到的.:)
2003-05-16 13:45 #8189谢谢啦,这句话可难到我了.还有那些稀奇古怪的神~~~~~
还是意译的好 -
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