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festony 更新于 2005-01-26 14:57 。
2002-04-29 09:18 #8100
一个骑士去杀一条龙,首先这条龙居然不是他想象中的一脸凶样(Usually, his charge was met with a more enthusiastic greeting – or rather, a more hostile greeting, to be exact. This dragon seemed more inclined to engage in a healthy round of snoring in place of a rousing fight to the death. );
然后龙又问了个与屠龙的气氛完全不符的问题:”My, my. If you kept your face covered while you spoke to the king, no wonder he placed his faith in you.”
对于好不容易鼓足了勇气要杀龙的骑士来说(he demanded with all the bravado left in place of the courage the castle dwellers had given him (In the form of spirits and jingling purses, of course. Kinesthinus was a very practical minded man.) ),这条龙简直就是败兴。
2002-04-29 09:26 #8101补充一下,如果说是“吓呆”,英语中的表达一般是用过去分词(表被动),而不是过去式。
2002-05-01 08:56 #8102多谢几位
He grinned deliriously and clenched his fist, shaking it at the now standing dragon. “Your aim sucks!”
还有you aim sucks!是你达到目的了的意思么a great silver streak of imminent death有什么好一点的翻法
2002-05-01 09:59 #8103是这样:
骑士想借龙的攻势(其实也不完全是啦~)一了百了,可惜那把剑没射中他。想死但心里又不由自主会害怕,终于下了接受死亡的决心没想到居然没被剑刺中。可以说他的心情此时是复杂的,活着是幸运的,但活着又好累。grinned deliriously 可以说是有些失态的裂嘴笑――因为不可能大笑(他不是那么英雄),可又不能哭(骑士,不能这么没用的……)。
suck 这里是一句俚语,“使人大失所望的”。可以翻译成:“你是什么眼神啊?”
a great silver streak of imminent death,句子最好不要分开来翻译,我还是把整句话都翻译出来吧:“Kinesthinus 的剑在静止的空气中呼啸一声便直冲着他飞过来,这个闪着银光的死亡使者转瞬即至。”
2002-05-01 12:17 #8104汗~~这个意思呀,觉得直接翻译为“你太让我失望了“比较好,明了一点吧
in deference to its close proximity to the knightThe dragon turned its head slightly, hooking a massive foreclaw between its cheek and gum to rub the irritated spot后半句
2002-05-02 09:03 #81051. “你说什么?”龙不无敬意地考虑到了它和骑士之间的距离,又一次压低嗓门问,“我这边听不清。”
2. 龙侧了侧头,把一只巨大的前爪弯进嘴里,揉揉脸颊和齿龈之间被刺中的那个部位。
2002-05-04 13:57 #8106荒芜了几天后,继续
哎If I could get this thing out, get sth out??/
Kinesthinus kept the sword raised for a heartbeat, then lowered it with what he hoped was an irritated flair.,后半句,irritated flair??
It’s slick with slobber any way,汗,我觉得直译的话就是由于口水而显的光亮,slick意思太多了
This close to the dragon, Kinesthinus heard the lid slide shut with a wet click意思明白,就是怎么也翻不好
2002-05-05 06:09 #81071. 如果我能把这玩意儿弄出来(就是说如果他能把那把剑拔出来)
2 & 3. Kinesthinus举着剑,心砰砰跳。接着,他把剑低垂下来,希望这个动作显示出了他那不甘心受损的自尊,“哦,好极了。反正你的口水已经把它弄得滑溜溜的了。”
slick with 这可以算是一个固定的搭配,意思就是变得smooth and slippery 了。
4. 和龙距离这么近,Kinesthinus 听得见龙合眼皮的声音,从湿润的眼珠上滑过的滴答一响。
2002-05-06 13:13 #8108a reptilian smile
我记得有卑劣的意思,但在这里不合适“I gan’ ge’up”
gan ???还有一直用的侮辱性字眼 serpent
直译为 蛇 合适么,觉得很生硬的说Kinesthinus也得想个音译名,不过我对发音很不熟悉的说
2002-05-06 15:28 #81091. 我想这里的 reptilian 不是说笑容像爬虫般的,因为那个笑容本来就是龙(爬虫)的动作。我觉得这个字是在强调 reptilian 这一性质。
“爬行类特有的微笑”2. 仔细看一下上文,骑士本来想说“I can’t get up”,但是龙听不清楚,于是干脆掀开了他头盔的面罩。对龙来说这只是个小动作,但对骑士来说,这力道之大,几乎要把他的脑袋给连带掀下来。注意这句话“Dizzy, he tried to focus on the looming dragon”――晕得连眼神都集中不了了。slur这里是指他在头晕目眩中口齿不清。所以”I gan’ ge’up” 就是“I can’t get up”,无非是嘴里含糊不清而已。这个翻译可以有很多种了,想一个搞笑的吧,呵呵~~
3. 直接说蛇是有点别扭,你看“爬虫”行吗?
4. 汗,这个名字大概是作者杜撰的,又长又难念,增加效果。蒙吧……读音可能是“基尼斯西纳斯/西努斯/西纽斯”……真是难听到家了,换几个好听又好看的字,读音差不多就可以了吧。
2002-05-07 13:19 #8110龙是爬虫?汗,老外是这么看的么,好像是,记得最广泛的称呼是大蜥蜴 把serpent翻译为大蜥蜴倒也可以
Claid Crom whipped up a small hurricane by fluttering its hands above Kinesthinus.
龙拍手……,爪子把He placed his foot in the stirrup before he remembered that when he got on the destrier in the first place, the kingdom’s villagers had hoisted him up with some kind of winch and lowered him into the saddle. With the weight of the armor, he had no chance of doing it on his own. He swore.
Claid Crom chuckled fondly
暧昧的笑着??温和?,chuckle是吃吃的笑,和fondly怎么联系Kinesthinus and the horse gave Claid Crom wide berth, avoiding eye contact
“I thought he owed you, not the other way around.” 后半句不明白
Claid Crom sat straight up, using its thick tail for balance while it planted a clawed fist on its reptilian hip. It gave its other claw a negligent flip, looking for all the world like a housewife with some juicy gossip
没有理解错的话,是说他像聊天的主妇??how do you think he knew about you and his daughter?Anyway, he’ll come after you“
开始不明白他和国王女儿的关系了,国王到底想怎么来着的,有点晕了name it
是只表示 说吧 的意思,还是答应了什么还有两页,hoho
2002-05-07 23:16 #8111@RangerNailan wrote:
Claid Crom whipped up a small hurricane by fluttering its hands above Kinesthinus.
He placed his foot in the stirrup before he remembered that when he got on the destrier in the first place, the kingdom’s villagers had hoisted him up with some kind of winch and lowered him into the saddle. With the weight of the armor, he had no chance of doing it on his own. He swore.
并且,swear好像根本没有晃动的意思,你是错当成swing了吧?这里是swearClaid Crom chuckled fondly
暧昧的笑着??温和?,chuckle是吃吃的笑,和fondly怎么联系fondly:怜爱的,喜爱的;这条龙很欣赏他,觉得他像父亲。”You even sound like your father,”
fondly好像没有暧昧的意思,你怎么不查字典啊,呵呵“I thought he owed you, not the other way around.” 后半句不明白
not the other way around = not you owed him
Claid Crom sat straight up, using its thick tail for balance while it planted a clawed fist on its reptilian hip. It gave its other claw a negligent flip, looking for all the world like a housewife with some juicy gossip
how do you think he knew about you and his daughter?Anyway, he’ll come after you“
name it
是只表示 说吧 的意思,还是答应了什么就是“说吧”
2002-05-08 13:34 #8112汗~~swear,当时不知想什么去了,不过他是对he had no chance of doing it on his own这一点的么
how do you think he knew about you and his daughter?Anyway, he’ll come after you
我翻成 你觉得他是怎么知道你和他女儿的事的呢?不管怎么样,他都会找到你的
Kinesthinus shivered with cold, even as sweat poured down his body, greasing the inside of his armor and making his woolen underclothes chafe。It wouldn’t do at all to get too complacent as far as the dragon was concerned, Kinesthinus decided, hearing the sickening, minuscule crunch of his helmet and imagining his head still inside it.这一段翻得我郁闷极了,理解,却愣是翻不出来,太水了的说
Eyes wide on the rolling hills, but not really seeing them还有这一句
She’s a woman of loose morals 一直没见到正面写国王和公主,侧面道是不少,但不是很理解,到最后,a rather nasty looking lump forming on her forehead where the battered helmet had hit her.晕死了
丑陋的伤痕??还是别的什么Although I never really killed any. I just took their money
他和国王有协议(arrangerment)不?“Sure,” Kinesthinus chortled.
“No really.”
no really 就不知道怎么翻了
2002-05-10 00:21 #8113@RangerNailan wrote:
汗~~swear,当时不知想什么去了,不过他是对he had no chance of doing it on his own这一点的么
我翻成 你觉得他是怎么知道你和他女儿的事的呢?不管怎么样,他都会找到你的
come after是寻找,而不是找到。单单就这句话而言,龙说这句话的目的是说明国王在那边有很多间谍,所以这名骑士不该过去。
Kinesthinus shivered with cold, even as sweat poured down his body, greasing the inside of his armor and making his woolen underclothes chafe。It wouldn’t do at all to get too complacent as far as the dragon was concerned, Kinesthinus decided, hearing the sickening, minuscule crunch of his helmet and imagining his head still inside it.这一段翻得我郁闷极了,理解,却愣是翻不出来,太水了的说
She’s a woman of loose morals 一直没见到正面写国王和公主,侧面道是不少,但不是很理解,到最后,a rather nasty looking lump forming on her forehead where the battered helmet had hit her.晕死了
Although I never really killed any. I just took their money
龙是和国王有协议的,所以他知道内幕。“Sure,” Kinesthinus chortled.
“No really.”
no really 就不知道怎么翻了
No really我觉得相当于No, really。翻译成“不,我是说真的”一类的意思吧。
2002-05-10 02:19 #8114有个问题忘了问了
一开始的Stand and deliver什么意思还有Especially since he’d mixed up his lines because of his puzzlement. “I have come to slay you.”
The massive yellow eye with its full-length mirror finish moved slightly as the dragon gave the knight a perfunctory once over, dismissing him
My, my. If you kept your face covered while you spoke to the king, no wonder he placed his faith in you.
为什么说蒙着连说话,king信任骑士就是no wonder,反话??
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