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清杨 更新于 2004-08-28 01:55 。
2004-05-23 23:33 #2169
最近看了几页译林翻译出版的Tolkien的《精灵宝钻: 魔戒起源》,简直出离愤怒!这怎么是人翻译出来的呀!(朋友:他们是不是用了什么软件翻译的?)
中国南京译林出版社出版的《霍比特人》、《魔戒》、《精灵宝钻: 魔戒起源》错误之多令人咋舌,而且该社对与民间Tolkien爱好者无私提供的建议多采用蒙混的办法,态度令人愤怒!
四,翻译者间缺乏合作,校对者没尽到责任。在翻译《魔戒》采用“多人合译”的方法,让三个人分别翻译三卷书,名词得不到统一,同一页中同一个名词竟然会出现不同的翻译方法,相似的名词往往被搞错,校对人员形同虚设。这四点的后果是让许多第一次接触Tolkien教授著作的读者无法正确理解小说内容,并大大减弱了他们对书籍的兴趣。有位爱好者曾经给《魔戒再现》,《王者无敌》做过勘误表,两卷书中翻译错误至少也有800余处!而《精灵宝钻》更加离谱,仅仅是书后的index就可以找出179处硬伤!(全部不是由于文化和语言差异造成的!) 《精灵宝钻》简体中文译本中的译者――该译者翻译的《霍比特人》同样糟糕――擅自遗漏、添加、歪曲原作的现象令所有对故事有一定了解的读者震惊,将一部悲壮的神话变成一个颠倒黑白的恶搞故事。对于一切热爱Tolkie教授的作品的爱好者来说,译林出版的书中的世界才是个真正的“Arda Marred”,叫人伤心失望。
2004-05-24 06:06 #23960我已经抵制了……在被欺骗买了第一本《魔戒》并强忍着阅读完毕后……
2004-05-26 11:56 #23961DM息怒~~~~,犯不着为那些不负责任的人动肝火。
2004-05-27 02:19 #23962ER~~~~我一直在看译林版的书……:eek:
2004-05-27 18:14 #23963谢谢抵制的朋友,这次铁证如山,YILIN已经无力反驳了 😀
而且还随便修改添加,比如 waybread一词,明明就是“行路干粮”一类的意思,那个翻译却死扣字典,搞出了“宽叶车前”,还自做聪明在旁边添加了什么叫“宽叶车前”,简直匪夷所思,不看原作的人大概要怀疑作者是不是出了问题 😮 这该不是机器翻译的吧?而且这次的翻译里充斥四字短语,很多地方太口语化,搞的精灵一个个犹如土匪山大王 T T
blessed realm’=“快乐王国”
Celegorm the fair = 仙人 Celegorm (明明是“俊美的Celegorm”,转眼升了仙)
the Straight way = 阳关大道
Beleg Strongbow= “铁弓”Beleg……
children of Hurin = Hurin的独生女(该翻译有没有读过初中???)
Elves of Nargothrond = 鬼鬼祟祟的家伙
…and seen the face of the world sink below them, and so had come to the lamplit quays of Avalloe = “看见了海底世界的真面目,走上阿瓦洛内灯光照耀的码头”
(原来Avalloe是在海底啊,怪不得需要灯光照耀。。。)Then the days of Gondolin were yet full of joy and peace;
Gondolin“一派歌舞升平的大好景象”“歌舞升平”难道不是个贬义词么……But Ungoliant had grown great, and he less by the power that had gone out of him; and she rose against him, and her cloud closed about him, and she enmeshed him in a web of clinging thongs to strangle him.
But in that hour Finarfin forsook the march, and turned back, being filled with grief, and with bitterness against the House of Feanor, because of his kinship with Olwe of Alqualonde; …
nor leave them to the rash counsels of Feanor.
We are threatened with many evils, and treason not least
But even as the trumpet sang and Feanor issued from the gates of Tirion a messenger came at last from Manwe, saying: ‘Against the folly of Feanor shall be set my counsel only. Go not forth! For the hour is evil, and your road leads to sorrow that ye do not foresee. No aid will the Valar lend you in this quest; but neither will they hinder you; for this ye shall know: as ye came hither freely, freely shall ye depart. But thou Feanor Finwe’s son, by thine oath art exiled. The lies of Melkor thou shalt unlearn in bitterness. Vala he is, thou saist Then thou hast sworn in vain, for none of the Valar canst thou overcome now or ever within the halls of Ea, not though Eru whom thou namest had made thee thrice greater than thou art.’But even as the trumpet sang and Feanor issued from the gates of Tirion a messenger came at last from Manwe, saying:……
No aid will the Valar lend you in this quest, but neither will they hinder you;for this ye shall know: as ye came hither freely, freely shall ye depart
那时,Valar将爱莫能助,但是我不会阻止你们。有一点,你们应该知道:Noldor精灵来去自由,我们绝无扣留之意。……不分“我”和“我们”,不分 shall和should……
But thou Feanor Finwe’s son, by thine oath art exiled.
not though Eru whom thou namest had made thee thrice greater than thou art.
…… of the battle of Ecthelion of the Fountain with Gothmog Lord of Balrogs in the very square of the King, where each slew the other,
Ecthelion和火魔巴尔洛格打得难解难分,血肉横飞,最后被对方杀死。Ecthelion和Gothmog打的“血肉横飞”,……这是哪里出来的!还有“very square of the King”和“Gothmog”又翻译到哪里去了???
同一个英雄Lord Ecthilion,在另一个故事里被翻译莫名其妙翻译成“家丁”,原书INDEX里说他是:
Echtelion – Elf-lord of Gondolin, who in the sack of the city slew and was slain by Gothmog Lord of Balrogs.
Ecthelion 埃克塞林 冈多林的精灵王,城市陷落后,他曾大肆杀戮,最后被火魔巴尔洛格所杀。什么“大肆杀戮”哑,翻译大人您杀了我吧……同样的lord,刚才是“家丁”现在就是“王”,Gondolin难道除了Turgon还有其他精灵王??这是谋反!!
再看这句Finrod的话 “我起誓,并将付诸实施,否则天诛地灭。我不会娶妻生子,继承王位。”
原文:…and he said: ‘An oath I too shall swear, and must be free to fulfil it, and go into darkness. Nor shall anything of my realm endure that a son should inherit.’
原文:On the next day Saeros waylaid Turin as he set out from Menegroth to return to to marches…
from和to这也能搞错In that hour the voice of Feanor grew so great and so potent that even the herald of the Valar bowed before him as one full-answered,
as one full-answered被翻译吃掉了Much it foretold in dark words
就说Mandos是名副其实的“黑神”,倒地……And Maedhros answered: ‘But how shall our voices reach to Ilúvatar beyond the Circles of the World? And by Iluvatar we swore in our madness, and called the Everlasting Darkness upon us, if we kept not our word. Who shall release us?’
唯一神 Iluvatar居然被翻译成“他老人家”,“called the Everlasting Darkness upon us”翻译成“天打雷劈”……这个翻译没被天打雷劈估计是夏天还没到吧。“Alas, for the weakness of the great! For a mighty king is Gil-galad, and wise in all lore is Master Elrond, and yet they will not aid me in my labours. Can it be that they do not desire to see other lands become as blissful as their own? But wherefore should Middle-earth remain for ever desolate and dark, whereas the Elves could make it as fair as Eress?a, nay even as Valinor? And since you have not returned thither, as you might, I perceive that you love this Middle-earth, as do I. Is it not then our task to labour together for its enrichment, and for the raising of all the Elven-kindreds that wander here untaught to the height of that power and knowledge which those have who are beyond the Sea?’
他是不是一边看新闻一边翻译的?……‘Hail E?rendil, of mariners most renowned, the looked for that cometh at unawares, the longed for that cometh beyond hope! Hail E?rendil, bearer of light before the Sun and Moon! Splendour of the Children of Earth, star in the darkness, jewel in the sunset, radiant in the morning!’
Then Saeros fleeing in terror before him fell into the chasm of a stream, and his body was broken on a great rock in the water.
his body was broken – 划破身子……But Túrin returning and seeing what was done, was stricken with remorse for all their evil and lawless deeds; and he released Beleg, and they renewed their friendship, and Túrin foreswore thenceforward war or plunder against all save the servants of Angband.
“此时此地,此情此景让他们百感交集”“肆意蹂躏”……我要吐了,Beleg被这个翻译欺负惨了……这个翻译似乎很中意“蹂躏”一词……Arda Marred 也非要翻译”被蹂躏的Arda” 😡
He chanted a song of wizardry,
Of piercing, opening, of treachery,
Revealing, uncovering, betraying.
Then sudden Felagund there swaying,
Sang in a song of staying,
Resisting, battling against power,
Of secrets kept, strength like a tower,
And trust unbroken, freedom, escape;
Of changing and shifting shape,
Of snares eluded, broken traps,
The prison opening, the chain that snaps.
Backwards and forwards swayed their song.
Reeling foundering, as ever more strong
The chanting swelled, Felagund fought,
And all the magic and might he brought
Of Elvenesse into his words.
Softly in the gloom they heard the birds
Singing afar in Nargothrond,
The sighting of the Sea beyond,
Beyond the western world, on sand,
On sand of pearls on Elvenland.
Then in the doom gathered; darkness growing
In Valinor, the red blood flowing
Beside the Sea, where the Noldor slew
The Foamriders, and stealing drew
Their white ships with their white sails
From lamplit havens. The wind wails,
The wolf howls. The ravens flee.
The ice mutters in the mouths of the Sea.
The captives sad in Angband mourn.
Thunder rumbles, the fires burn-
And Finrod fell before the throne.而译林的:
而且当当,BOL等大型网络书店几乎是无一例外地删掉读者的负面评价 🙁
2004-05-28 01:29 #23964是啊!・!!
2004-06-11 14:49 #23965说的对,就那个“奥克斯”就让人腻歪,开始我还当是公牛……
2004-06-12 17:26 #23966ms老大,把这个放到主页上去吧,实在是天怒人怨!
那玩意也是人看得懂的?我在书店了翻了几页……要不是我翻过原文……2004-06-12 19:25 #23967主页里面没有相关的栏目。。。就先在论坛置顶几周吧。
“….由此可见,诸位跟我一样,都热爱这块土地,所以,我们应该团结起来,以建设中洲为己任,逐步提高一直在这里流浪的精灵的文化水平”2004-06-14 19:25 #23968那段村长讲话的原文是这样的::D
“Alas, for the weakness of the great! For a mighty king is Gil-galad, and wise in all lore is Master Elrond, and yet they will not aid me in my labours. Can it be that they do not desire to see other lands become as blissful as their own? But wherefore should Middle-earth remain for ever desolate and dark, whereas the Elves could make it as fair as Eress?a, nay even as Valinor? And since you have not returned thither, as you might, I perceive that you love this Middle-earth, as do I. Is it not then our task to labour together for its enrichment, and for the raising of all the Elven-kindreds that wander here untaught to the height of that power and knowledge which those have who are beyond the Sea?’
这个勘误从第一页开始做还不如重新翻译,有人做了第九章的勘误,15页里107处问题……这个版本已经hopeless了……|||||||||||||| 😮
[ZT]译林《精灵宝钻》Ch.9 勘误
精灵宝钻 第九章。
Total: 107处。
页码:77, 行数 1: 圆形议事台
原文:Ring of Doom
商榷:这里的Ring不是台子。页码: 77, 行数 3-4: 波涛汹涌的大海裹挟着层层暗影扑岸而来
原文:and rolled back the shadows of the sea.
商榷: “roll back” 完全被翻译错页码: 77, 行数 7: 落在她的脚边
原文:and fell lifeless at her feet
商榷: “lifeless” 被遗漏页码: 78, 行数 2: 费阿诺痛苦地说:“非同小可也好,不非同小可也罢”
原文:But Feanor spoke then, and cried bitterly: “For the less even as for the greater…”
商榷: 我认为原意是“对于更渺小者正如同对于更伟大者一样……”页码: 78, 行数 3: 那是我们心之所系,希望之所在
原文:and in that deed his heart shall rest.
商榷: “希望之所在”不知道何处提到页码: 78, 行数 5: 要想打开它们,除非先杀了我,打开我的心脏!
原文:and if I must break them, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain.
商榷: 我认为原意接近于“心碎”或者“打碎我的心血”之类,而不是“打开心脏”。页码: 78, 行数 5-6: 在阿曼所有埃尔达精灵里,我将第一个赴死!
原文:and I shall be slain; first of all the Eldar in Aman.
商榷: 我认为“赴死”和“被杀”还是有意愿上的差别的。页码: 78, 行数 14-15: (费阿诺):“……如果梵拉一定强迫我,请先告诉世人,梅尔克是不是你们的同类?”
原文:(Feanor)’….But if the Valar will constrain me, then shall I know indeed that Melkor is of their kindred.’ Then Mandos said:’Thou hast spoken.’
商榷: 这句台湾翻译做“汝出此言,覆水难收”极为传神。而译林错了十万八千里。在这里Feanor指责Valar为世界之敌Morgoth的同党,Mandos怎么会说出“你说的没错”,简直错得离谱。“请先告诉世人”也是翻译自己写的。页码: 78, 行数 20-21: 他们说,从北面来了一团漆黑的东西,宛如巨大的斗篷;黑斗篷中间有一个神秘的、无人知晓的妖怪,不断喷吐出浓黑的烟雾。
原文:…For they told how a blind Darkness came northward, and in the midst walked some power for which there was no name, and the Darkness issued from it.
商榷:“斗篷”“妖怪”“烟雾”都是从何处来的?明明是说一团遮蔽视线的“黑暗”。页码: 78, 行数 24: 快乐王国第一次洒下精灵的鲜血
原文:and spilled the first blood in the Blessed Realm;
商榷:Blessed Realm翻译成快乐王国太童话了,和《魔戒》也不一样。页码: 78, 行数 26: 费阿诺气得暴跳如雷
原文:Then Feanor rose,…
商榷:这里是说Feanor起身,因为他听到父亲被杀,宝石被夺的噩耗就倒在地上了。页码: 78, 行数 27: 黑色妖魔,世界之敌
原文:the Black Foe of the World
商榷: “妖魔”也不知道从何处来的,翻译不搞四字短语就不舒坦呵。页码: 79, 行数 1: 如果他在方梅诺斯要塞,梅尔克的阴谋一定不会得逞,父亲也不会命丧黄泉。
原文:thinking in the madness of his rage and grief that had he been at Formenos his strength would have availed more than to be slain also, as Melkor had purposed.
商榷:: “in the madness of his rage and grief”被遗漏。页码: 79, 行数 2: 圆形议事台
原文:Ring of Doom
商榷: 同一个台子问题。页码: 79, 行数 7-8: 雅万娜失声痛哭,担心黑暗吞没瓦里诺之光的最后一丝亮光。
原文:and Yavanna wept by the mound, in fear that the Darkness should swallow the last rays of the Light of Valinor for ever.
商榷: “by the mound” 遗漏。页码: 79, 行数 15: 这块土地在佩罗瑞山与大海之间
原文:This land lay northward between the Mountains of the Pelóri and the Great Sea,
商榷:northward遗漏页码: 79, 行数 20: 跨过海峡,莫高斯终于回到中洲。
原文:and he crossed over, and came back at last to the north of the Outer Lands.
商榷: north of the Outer Lands.翻译成中洲不精确。页码: 79, 行数 20: 他们继续前进
原文:Together they went on,
商榷: “Together” 被遗漏。页码: 79, 行数 23: 现在,安戈班恩德――铁牢的废墟近在咫尺。
原文:Now Morgoth was drawing near to the ruins of Angband, where his great western stronghold had been;
商榷: “great western stronghold” 完全没表达出来,Morgoth也被遗漏。页码: 80, 行数 6-7: 乌戈利安特的贪欲并没有因此而得到满足,相反她愈发饥饿难忍。
原文:Huger and darker yet grew Ungoliant, but her lust was unsated.
商榷: 这里前半句是说Ungoliant变得越来越饥饿和黑暗。页码: 80, 行数 13: 它永远属于我。
原文:I name them unto myself for ever.
商榷:原句似乎是说“我名它们永远归我所有”之类的意思。页码: 80, 行数 14-16: 可是乌戈利安特已经变得十分强大,莫高斯因为一直东奔西跑力量大不如前。她飞身跃起,轻扬双臂,一团黑色的云雾把梅尔克紧紧包裹起来。
原文:But Ungoliant had grown great, and he less by the power that had gone out of him; and she rose against him, and her cloud closed about him,
商榷:and she rose against him不是“飞身跃起,轻扬双臂”(那是只蜘蛛呀!)完全是在胡编,Morgoth也不是什么“东奔西跑”,只是说他因为力量流失而被削弱。页码: 80, 行数 16-17: 大网越收越紧,勒得他喘不过气来
原文:…to strangle him.
商榷:翻译不精确。页码: 80, 行数 24-25: 上次梵拉攻打梅尔克的时候,匆忙中没有发现这个秘密之地。
原文:to which the Valar in the haste of their assault had not descended,
商榷:原句是说Valar没有亲降到那里,descended的我认为完全没翻译出来。页码: 80, 行数 26: 现在,它听到莫高斯的叫喊,立刻站起身来
原文:now swiftly they arose,
商榷: 复数,复数。。。页码: 81, 行数 9: 雅万娜还在担心茜玛丽尔会被莫高斯一口吞掉,永远消失
原文:And thus the fear of Yavanna that the Silmarils would be swallowed up and fall into nothingness
商榷: “会被莫高斯一口吞掉”在原句里何处有这个,要吞也不会是Morgoth。页码: 81, 行数 10-11: 他把能够找到的仆人都集中起来,带到安戈班恩德
原文:And he being freed gathered again all his servants that he could find, and came to the ruins of Angband.
商榷: “being freed”, “the ruins of”被遗漏。.页码: 81, 行数 11-12: 他在要塞上面堆起一座大山,塞戈罗德利姆
原文:and above their gates he reared the threefold peaks of Thangorodrim,
商榷: “the threefold peaks” 被遗漏。页码: 81, 行数 14-15: 黑暗笼罩着贝勒里安德。
原文:Dark now fell the shadow on Beleriand, as is told hereafter,
商榷: “as is told hereafter”, “the shadow”被遗漏。页码: 81, 行数 21-22: 只有指挥大军的时候,才登上北面的宝座
原文:but governed his armies from his northern throne.
商榷: 原句似乎是“从北方的王座上统御大军”。页码: 81, 行数 23-25: 现在,与从前乌图木诺时代相比,他似乎少了几分骄傲,多了几分谦和,更多的是满腔仇恨。他要统治奴仆臣民,用邪恶的欲望鼓舞士气。因为费心劳神,常觉精力不济
原文:For now, more than in the days of Utumno ere his pride was humbled, his hatred devoured him, and in the domination of his servants and the inspiring of them with lust of evil he spent his spirit.
商榷: 完全翻错。这里直译为:因为现在,他的仇恨吞噬着他,比他的骄傲被折服前在Utumno的日子里更甚,而且在统治他的臣仆并灌输给他们欲望和邪恶中,他消耗了自己的灵魂。
(在托尔金后来的说明中提到,正是因为Morgoth不断消耗自己的spirit统治他人,他才越来越弱。)页码: 82, 行数 2: 梵拉还摸黑坐在圆形议事台上
原文:the Valar remained long seated in darkness in the Ring of Doom,
商榷: 除了台子的问题外,那个long seated被遗漏, “摸黑”也太口语化了。页码: 82, 行数 6: 明多恩大塔楼上的灯在一片昏暗中放射出枯黄的光。
原文:and the lamp of the Mindon burned pale in the gloom.
商榷: pale和枯黄不是一个颜色。页码: 82, 行数 11: 费阿诺长于辞令,讲出来的话极富煽动人心的力量。
原文:Feanor was a master of words, and his tongue had great power over hearts when he would use it;
商榷: “when he would use it” 被遗漏。页码: 82, 行数 11-12: 这天夜里他更是唇枪舌剑,口若悬河,发表的演说让所有精灵永远难忘。
原文:and that night he made a speech before the Noldor which they ever remembered.
商榷: “唇枪舌剑,口若悬河” 四字短语也不知道何处提到。页码: 82, 行数 12: 他言辞激烈
原文:Fierce and fell were his words,
商榷: “and fell” 被遗漏。页码: 82, 行数 23: 你们个个都是勇敢无畏的精灵。
商榷: 翻译添加的。页码: 82, 行数 23-24: 现在,先王已去,国难当头
原文:And have ye not all lost your King?
商榷: 原句为“难道你们不(也)失去了你们的君王?”页码: 82, 行数 26-27: 现在黑暗笼罩了整个世界,光明成了泡影。
原文:but now dark levels all.
商榷: 原句似乎是“现在黑暗让一切平等”。页码: 83, 行数 2: 在奎维内恩,晴朗的星空下溪水淙淙,绿草如茵
原文:In Cuiviénen sweet ran the waters under unclouded stars,
商榷:原句似乎是:在Cuiviénen,无云的群星下流淌着甜蜜的湖水。“绿草如茵”四字短语为翻译臆造。页码: 83, 行数 3: 由于我们的愚蠢,我们抛弃了这些至爱亲朋。现在,他们还在那里等待我们重归故里。
原文:There they lie still and await us who in our folly forsook them.
商榷:完全错误。原句说的似乎是在Middle-earth,甜蜜的湖水自由的土地仍在等待Noldor,而不是什么“至爱亲朋”。页码: 83, 行数 11: 但是,我们必胜无疑!
商榷:翻译自己添加的。页码: 83, 行数 16-17: 就是追到天边,也要生擒活捉莫高斯!
原文:After Morgoth to the ends of the Earth!
商榷:“生擒活捉”四字短语是翻译自己加的。页码: 83, 行数 22-24: 他们以伊路瓦塔的名义发誓,谁也不能违背自己的誓言,如有违反,就让黑暗永远降临在他的头上。
原文:They swore an oath which none shall break, and none should take, by the name even of Ilúvatar, calling the Everlasting Dark upon them if they kept it not;
商榷: “and none should take” 被遗漏。页码: 83, 行数 26-27: 只要将茜玛丽尔据为己有,就是他们不共戴天的敌人。诺尔多精灵就满怀仇恨,战斗到底,不夺回来,誓不罢休。
原文:to pursue with vengeance and hatred to the ends of the World…time should bring forth unto the end of days, whoso should hold or take or keep a Silmaril from their possession.
商榷: 这里是Feanor和七子所发誓言,不是整族“诺尔多精灵”。页码: 84, 行数 4-5: 无论遵守誓言的人还是违背誓言的人,都将在血与火中煎熬,直到世界末日。
原文:and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world’s end.
商榷:“都将在血与火中煎熬”也是翻译自己加的。页码: 84, 行数 11: 她也迫不及待地想打回老家。
原文:(she) was eager to be gone.
商榷: “打回老家”这也太通俗了一点。页码: 84, 行数 19-21: 他用新鲜的事物、奇异的国度和美好的未来点燃了大多数诺尔多精灵的欲望之火。
原文:and the greater part of the Noldor there assembled he set aflame with the desire of new things and strange countries.
商榷: 意思与原句有差别,而且there assembled被遗漏。页码: 84, 行数 27: 曼维大帝
商榷: “大帝”在原文里没有。页码: 85, 行数 1-2: 他们为了一己私利,扣押了诺尔多精灵
原文:or that any were held captive by them against their will.
商榷: 原句的意思是Valar不会把任何Noldor精灵强行扣押。页码: 85, 行数 10-11: 其实芬戈尔芬上路,完全是出于无奈。
原文:and he marched against his wisdom,
商榷: 是说违背他的智慧。页码: 85, 行数 12: 更不想就这样把他们交给生性鲁莽的费阿诺
原文:nor leave them to the rash counsels of Feanor.
商榷: 是不想把他们交给Feanor的仓促决定。页码: 85, 行数 14: 他最舍不得离开瓦里诺
原文:most loath was he to depart.
商榷: “不情愿”和“舍不得”不同。页码: 85, 行数 14-15: 瓦里诺所有精灵里
原文:of all the Noldor in Valinor
商榷: Valinor的Noldor不等于所有精灵。页码: 85, 行数 19: 信使一路风尘,赶到队伍前头,传达曼维大帝的旨意
原文:a messenger came at last from Manwe
商榷:“一路风尘,赶到队伍前头”是翻译自己写的。页码: 85, 行数 20: 我的忠告是,不要跟费阿诺去做蠢事。
原文:Against the folly of Feanor shall be set my counsel only.
商榷: only也没翻译出来。页码: 85, 行数 21: 那时候,梵拉爱莫能助。
原文:No aid will the Valar lend you in this quest
商榷: 不是“爱莫能助”,是“不会帮助”,语气是不一样的。页码: 85, 行数 21-22: 但是我不会阻止你们。
原文:but neither will they hinder you;
商榷:they不是“我”。页码: 85, 行数 23-24: 可是你,芬维之子费阿诺,不属此列。你妄用神名,已是被放逐之人。
原文:But thou Feanor Finwe’s son, by thine oath art exiled.
商榷: 是说Feanor由于自己的誓言而被放逐。页码: 85, 行数 26-28: 尽管你认为伊路瓦塔把你创造成一个比现在强大三倍的精灵之王。
原文:not though Eru whom thou namest had made thee thrice greater than thou art.’
商榷: 这里是Eru不是Iluvatar,也没有“你想”和“精灵之王”。页码: 86, 行数 3: 放逐到荒凉之地
原文:into banishment
商榷: “荒凉之地”是翻译自己加的。页码: 86, 行数 4-5: 你们难道不曾见识苦难与不幸?
原文:Is sorrow foreboded to you?
商榷: 原句似乎是:你们预见到悲哀?页码: 86, 行数 10-11: 也许伊路瓦塔在我心中点燃了不可战胜的火焰,而梵拉对此一无所知
原文:And it may be that Eru has set in me a fire greater than thou knowest.
商榷: 原句似乎是“也许Eru在我心中布下的火焰比你们所知的要旺盛”。页码: 86, 行数 12: 圆形议事台
原文:Ring of Doom
商榷:还是台子问题。页码: 86, 行数 15: 深深鞠了一躬,然后离他而去
原文:bowed before him as one full-answered, and departed;
商榷: “as one full-answered” 被遗漏。页码: 86, 行数 21: 最聪明
商榷: 不要把wise翻译成“聪明”好不好?页码: 87, 行数 15: 他们从来没有听信过莫高斯的谣言
原文:And he had never lent ear to Morgoth,
商榷: he 不是“他们”的意思。不知道这个翻译怎么人称代词都屡屡搞不清楚!页码: 87, 行数 26-27: 当年,诺尔多精灵欢迎我们来到这块土地,并且帮助我们安营扎寨,对此特莱瑞精灵没齿难忘。可是,你当时信誓旦旦地说…
原文:And when the Noldor welcomed us and gave us aid, otherwise then you spoke:
商榷: “安营扎寨”翻译再次体现了四字短语的习惯,“对此特莱瑞精灵没齿难忘”也不知道何处提到。页码: 88, 行数 7: 费阿诺只得离开欧尔维,趁着茫茫夜色,坐在阿尔夸棱德城墙外面苦思冥想。
原文:Thereupon Feanor left him, and sat in dark thought beyond the walls of Alqualonde,
商榷: in dark thought怎么会是“苦思冥想”?页码: 88, 行数 11: 摇摇晃晃的大船上
原文:upon the ships,
商榷:“摇摇晃晃”是翻译自己写的。页码: 88, 行数 13-14: 他们的同胞正在败退
原文:their own kin falling,
商榷: fall翻译成“败退”不准确。页码: 88, 行数 15: 事实上,大家都误认为
原文:some thought indeed
商榷: 是some,不是all。页码: 88, 行数 18: 因为诺尔多精灵变得非常凶残,个个拼命砍杀
原文:For the Noldor were become fierce and desperate,
商榷: 是说他们变得凶猛,孤注一掷,用“个个拼命砍杀”似乎不精确。页码: 88, 行数 19: 武器只有弓箭
原文:were armed for the most part but with slender bows.
商榷: 与原句不符。页码: 88, 行数 20: 配备了最好的划桨能手
原文:manned their oars as best they might,
商榷: 原句似乎是:尽他们所能操桨。页码: 88, 行数 24: 遇难前
原文:ere he was lost.
商榷: 原句是“在他失踪前”,谁也不知道Maglor的最终下落。页码: 89, 行数 2: 那是阿拉曼空旷的荒原,多山,十分寒冷
原文:upon the borders of the empty waste of Araman which were mountainous and cold.
商榷: “the borders of”被遗漏。页码: 89, 行数 5-6: 那声音要他们停止前进,听他号令
原文:that bade them stand and give ear.
商榷: 原句似乎是“命令他们站住,听他说话”,而不是听他下命令。页码: 89, 行数 6-7: 于是,所有精灵都停下了脚步,一动不动在原地站好
原文:Then all halted and stood still,
商榷: “一动不动在原地站好”过于口语了。页码: 89, 行数 7-9: 诺尔多精灵长长的队伍从头到尾都听到了曼维大帝对他们此行的诅咒和预言。后来人们管曼维的话叫“北方预言”,“诺尔多的劫数”。
原文:and from end to end of the hosts of the Noldor the voice was heard speaking the curse and prophecy which is called the Prophecy of the North, and the Doom of the Noldor.
商榷: 这里下诅咒的是Mandos不是Manwe。页码: 89, 行数 9: 他的预言大多是“黑话”
原文:Much it foretold in dark words,
商榷: dark words不是“黑话”,而是说内容黑暗晦涩。页码: 89, 行数 14-15: 梵拉对费阿诺家族的愤怒从西方到东方,遍及埃阿。
原文:On the House of Feanor the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West unto the uttermost East,
商榷:. “遍及埃阿”是翻译自己加的,uttermost 也没翻译。页码: 89, 行数 15-16: 对所有追随者亦义愤填膺
原文:and upon all that will follow them it shall be laid also.
商榷: “义愤填膺”是翻译自创的。.页码: 89, 行数 17-18: 兄弟间的相互背叛以及对这背叛的恐怖,将使一切成为过去
原文:and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass.
商榷: shall this come to pass的意思是“这个将会发生”啊!页码: 89, 行数 20-21: 你们将以血还血,以命抵命
原文:For blood ye shall render blood,
商榷: “以命抵命”又一个没来由的四字短语。页码: 89, 行数 26-27: 那些终于来到中洲而没有回到曼多斯身边
原文:And those that endure in Middle-earth and come not to Mandos
商榷: “终于”在原句里没有。这里的Mandos是指死者之殿,不是指同样被称为“Mandos”的Vala Namo,也没有“身边”。页码: 90, 行数 2: 许多精灵吓得发抖
原文:Then many quailed;
商榷: “吓得发抖”有点口语化了。页码: 90, 行数 3-4: 最主要的是背叛
原文:and treason not least;
商榷: 原句似乎是“不仅是背叛”。页码: 90, 行数 8: 菲那芬决心不再长征
原文:But in that hour Finarfin forsook the march,
商榷: in that hour被遗漏。页码: 90, 行数 9: 因为他和阿尔夸棱德的欧尔维有血缘关系
原文:because of his kinship with Olwe of Alqualonde;
商榷: Finarfin的妻子是Olwe的女儿,他们不是血缘关系。页码: 90, 行数 19: 诺尔多精灵终于来到阿尔达北部地区
原文:The Noldor came at last far into the north of Arda;
商榷: far into被遗漏。页码: 91, 行数 5-6: 一条是徒步穿越冰封万里的海峡,一条是乘船走水路到中洲
原文:by the straits or by shi页码:
商榷: 原句的意思就是“走海峡或乘船”,没那么唠唠叨叨添枝加叶。页码: 91, 行数 10-11: 时机一到,就向北而去
原文:and depart suddenly;
商榷: 原句是“突然出发”。页码: 91, 行数 11: 费阿诺就把心腹安插在船上
原文:and it was manned only by those who had fought there and were bound to Feanor.
商榷: 原句似乎是“船上只配备了在那里作过战,忠诚于Feanor的(Noldor)。”页码: 91, 行数 15: 没多久就登上中州海岸
原文:and first of all the Noldor set foot once more upon the shores of Middle-earth;
商榷: 原句似乎是“Noldor中他们率先再次踏上了Middle-earth的海岸”。页码: 91, 行数 16: 滔滔滚滚的大河从道-洛明山奔涌而来
原文:and ran into Dor-lómin.
商榷: 这里是into,不是from。页码: 91, 行数 20: 费阿诺哈哈大笑,高声说
原文:Then Feanor laughed as one fey, and he cried:
商榷: as one fey被遗漏。页码: 91, 行数 21-22: 扔在路边的行李就是最好的证明!
原文:needless baggage on the road it has proved.
商榷: 完全理解错误。这里是说被抛弃的Noldor如同累赘。页码: 91, 行数 22-23: 他们可以回去,在梵拉的囚笼里度过余生。
原文:and whine their way back to the cages of the Valar!
商榷: whine被遗漏。页码: 91, 行数 23-24: 迈斯罗斯呆呆地站在旁边,不知如何是好。
原文:Then Maedhros alone stood aside,
商榷: 是说Maedhros独站一边,何处有“呆呆地站在旁边,不知如何是好”,太有损形象了!页码: 92, 行数 1: (芬戈尔芬)心里非常难过
原文:was filled with bitterness;
商榷: bitterness不是“非常难过”。页码: 92, 行数 3-4: (芬戈尔芬)把事情说清楚
商榷:翻译自创。页码: 92, 行数 6-7: 对世间酸甜苦辣还未厌倦
原文:not yet weary with the weariness of Earth.
商榷: weariness不等于“酸甜苦辣”。页码: 92, 行数 8: 在芬罗德和盖拉德丽尔的大力支持下
原文:(led) by Finrod and Galadriel,
商榷: lead不是“帮助”是“带领”啊。页码: 92, 行数 11: ……还没有……还没有……
商榷: few不是none页码: 92, 行数 13-14: 终于踏上那块向往已久的土地时
原文:set foot at last upon the Outer Lands.
商榷: outer land不是“向往已久的的土地”。2004-06-14 20:51 #23969请问作者能给一下收入主页的授权吗?
2004-06-14 21:16 #23970请问作者能给一下收入主页的授权吗?
2004-06-18 13:47 #23971有道理啊,向当初硬着头皮看掉3本,第四本实在是恶心看不下去了。
好佩服我弟弟,居然只用一个礼拜就啃掉4本,大概没怎么认真看吧。2004-07-11 09:57 #23972毕竟是TOLKIEN老爷的大作啊,是很难翻译的哦.其实书中有的片段还是很不错的,译者的水平还是比较高的我觉得.
2004-07-12 05:22 #23973楼上的那位阁下,翻译不是业余爱好者的个人兴趣,放在书店里的书本也不是网络上的免费资源,如果没这个水准就不要拦这个活,如果想那这个卖钱的话,起码有点基本的道德,拿出点起码的负责的态度来吧,如果可以用“不好翻译”这个本末倒置到极点了的借口来解释的话,在下建议付给他的翻译费也可以用蹩脚的伪钞来支付,然后跟他说:“要知道这毕竟应该是银行的工作吧,制作钞票不是件简单的工作哦!”
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