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墨菲斯托 更新于 2002-05-24 02:46 。
2002-05-23 02:07 #361
下面的英文是FR campaign settings里面的精灵的设定,我建议我们用这个做样本。这个好处是没有什么数值之类的,有利于我们这个为写东西而做的设定。
Elves and the Elven Nations
The elves are one of the major races of the Realms, and onceruled large sections of the Realms after the time of the dragons and before the coming of humankind. Now the majority of these long-lived beings have retreated from the onslaught of humankind, seeking quieter forests, and their numbers in theRealms are a faction of those even a thousand years ago.
The elves of the Forgotten Realms are of human height, but much more slender. Their fingers and hands are half-again as long as a human’s, and delicately tapered, and their bones arelight and surprisingly sturdy. Elven faces are thinner and more serene, and elven ears, as are ears in half a hundred knownworlds, are pointed.
There are five known elven subraces in the Forgotten Realms,and four of them live in relative harmony. Cross-breeding is possible between the subraces, but in the case of the elves, the childwill either take after the male or female parent’s race (there are no drow moon elf mongrels, and the child of such an unlikely union would have either all the traits of a dark elf or of a moon elf). The subraces are:
Gold Elves: Gold elves are also called sunrise elves or high elves, and have bronze skin and hair of copper, black, or golden blond. Their eyes are golden, silver, or black. Gold elves tend to be recognized as the most civilized of the elven subraces and the most aloof from humankind and the other races. The majority of the native elves of Evermeet are gold elves, though the royal family are moon elves.
Moon Elves: Moon elves are also called silver or gray elves, and are much paler than gold elves, with faces of bleached white tinged with blue. Moon elves usually have hair of silver-white, black, or blue, though all reported colors normally found in humans and elves may be found in this race. Their eyes are blue or green, and have gold flecks. They tend to tolerate humankind the most of the elven subraces, and the majority of adventuring elves and half-elves are of moon elf descent.
Wild Elves: Wild elves are called green elves, forest elves, and wood elves, and are reclusive and distrusting of nonelves, in particular humankind. Wild elves of the Forgotten Realms tend to be copperish in hue with tinctures of green. Their hair tends toward browns and blacks, with occasional blonds and copper-colored natives. Their eyes green, brown, or hazel. They tend to be the least organized of the elven peoples, and while there is no elven nation made up entirely of wild elves, there are wild elves in every other elven nation and on Evermeet.
Sea Elves: Sea elves, also called aquatic or water elves, are divided into two further divisions: those of the Great Sea (including all its salt-water domains such as the Shining Sea and Sea of Swords), and those of the Sea of Fallen Stars. Great Sea elves are radiant in different shades of deep greens, with irregular patches of brown striped through their bodies. Fallen Star sea elves are various shades of blue, with white patches and stripes. Both have the full variety of eye and hair color found in all the elven peoples and have webbed feet and hands and the ability to breathe water.
Dark Elves: Dark elves, also called drow (pronounced to rhyme with now or how) or night elves, comprise the most sinister and evil segment of the elven race, as if this subrace seems to balance the tranquility and godness of their cousins with unrepentant maliciousness and evil. Drow have black skin that resemblesnothing so much as polished obsidian, pale eyes (often mistaken for solid white), and hair of stark white. The variations in coloration present in the other elven subraces is missing here. Most of this fell race has been driven underground, and it members are shunned by the other elven subraces. (See also the Underdark
Races section.)Elven Life: The elves call their own race TeQuessir, which translates as the people. Strangers, in particular nonelven strangers, are generally placed under the category N™Tel™Quess, or not-people. Most elves treat the not-people with respect and politeness, as a host would a stumbling child, though the drow fiercely enslave any who are not of their race and consider the other elven subraces N™Tel™Quess.
The elves are generally ruled by hereditary noble houses that have held control of their nations for generations (and given the nature and long life of elves, the rule of a wise king may exceed the history of a human nation). Elven rule is autocratic and absolute, and it is the theology and philosophy of the elves which prevents abuse of such complete power. The coronals (monarchs of the Elven Court) make their pronouncements rarely, preferring to remain outside the normal course of their subjects’ lives.
However, once a decision is made and pronounced by a coronalŠ whether to declare war or retreat to EvermeetŠit is followed by the bulk of the population.
The Retreat: The oddest phenomenon of elven life (to human observers) is the Retreat, which is viewed as a lemming like drive to sail to the farthest west, beyond the sea. In the case of the elves of the Forgotten Realms, the reason is not some biological drive, but rather the decision of the leaders of the elven nations to withdraw to less hostile lands. Such a decision was made after years (human generations) of thought, discussion, and meditation. Once made, it is irrevocable.
In the case of the recently voided Elven Court, the decision to retreat was made some 500 years after deliberation began. In the Year of Moonfall (1344 DR), the Pronouncement of Retreat passed from elf to elf, and they began to quietly evacuate their homelands along the Inner Sea. While for humans the disappearance of the Elven Court is regarded as a sudden vacuum in the heart of the Realms, for the Elven Court itself it was as inevitable(and as important) as a merchant moving his shop farther down
the street to increase the distance from a competitor.The elves in Retreat usually make for Evermeet across the sea or Evereska on the edge of the Great Sand Sea of Anauroch.
Those who reach Evermeet swear their fealty to Queen Amlaruil,who is that domain’s monarch. Long ago the elven nation of
Evermeet made the decision to fight those humans (and members of other races) who came to her shores, and as a result Evermeet is both the strongest sea power in the Realms, and a haven for the other elves in Retreat. Those who choose not to abandon the Realms entirely join the community at Evereska and seek to help defend Everesk’s new colony in the Greycloak Hills.
Those elves on the Sword Coast and with easy access to the sea make the passage to Evermeet by boat, protected by the Navy of the Queen. How those farther inland cross is not known, for none see their passage out of the world of humankind. Great magics and extradimensional gates are assumed to be used, though there have been tales of great butterflies carrying some elven nobles westward.
The Former Elven Nations: The former elven nations of the Realms include Illefarn, where Waterdeep now rises from the seacoast; Askavar, which is now called the Wood of Sharp Teeth, and the Elven Court, which once ruled Cormanthor, the forest country that ran from Cormyr to the Moonsea. Current elven nations include Evermeet in its seaward seclusion and Evereska(located in a mountain valley), with its colony in the Greycloak Hills. In addition, there are scattered groups of elves found
throughout the realms, including wild elves, groups without noble rulers, and those who are comfortable with the human population (usually younger elves). The drow are not welcome among the elven nations and so have their own lairs in the Underdark.Adventuring Elves: Adventuring elves are usually moon elves, though there are wild and gold elves as well found among humankind’s adventuring companies. Sea elves and drow are much rarer in the surface world, but there are notable exceptions.
2002-05-23 03:30 #7907王国里,精灵是个大种族. 出现时间在龙之后在人之前.
精灵和人差不多高, 但要比人苗条.手和手指比人小半个.
五种精灵是金,月,风,海,黑… .. etc…..好难啊, 我可做不了.最讨厌的还是要用E文写.(汗啊汗)
2002-05-23 03:31 #7908这个,我们大家是需要用中文写啊。我只是找一篇英文作参考而已。
2002-05-23 03:43 #7909要读完这篇E文稿也要花点时间吧. 我花了5分钟也是随便看了看.
Elven Life:
The Former Elven Nations: (国家)
冒险 比较了一下.写个概括差不多这样的吧.
那我的人鱼在修改一下也算是合格了.2002-05-23 09:13 #7910恩~~~先考下来,回去慢慢……呃……对照词霸看………………汗……
楼上的Lunar兄帮了我大忙,现在好歹知道具体分类了 🙂 先试一下吧,这可是大工程,而且是最好能一次完工的,一个人做恐怕有点…………要是能把各大洲设定者都拖来一起干就好了,但又怕风格不统一,麻烦那……PS:我点击“回复主题”这个按钮一共尝试了六次才成功,真是…………
2002-05-24 00:53 #7911把我写的模版贴出来:
族群构成:介绍种族内部结构,也不是必须的部分(如果你的种族智力还不足以让他们团结在一起,构成部落或是国家的话 –_–),但如果不写,后面有几点都可以省略。
因为是各大洲设定者都要做的事,所以还请各位多提意见修改 🙂2002-05-24 01:11 #7912这个,忘了描写他们的外表了。
2002-05-24 02:00 #7913记得紫晶大人的网站有译文~~~
2002-05-24 02:46 #7914呃,毒蛇族只是做一个例子而已,具体当然是按照原先设定来啦,要是真设种族的话,也是由努努你来~:D
外貌忘了,外表描写因为在毒蛇族怪物设定中有,所以种族设定中就没有加,如果是其它种族设定当然要加咯~~:) 组成文章的话要费更多的精力,还是交给各位设定者详细做吧:D 我都快忙昏了。。
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