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利兹瓦娜 更新于 2006-03-10 09:04 。
2006-03-01 02:22 #3240
给连接也可以2006-03-03 11:34 #30810呃..呃..俺仅有一盎格鲁萨克逊编年史…
2006-03-04 12:33 #30811俺是想了解saxon的风情,编年史……表:o
2006-03-06 11:18 #308122006-03-07 15:24 #30813http://www.postroman.info/saxon1.html The Saxon ‘Invasion’
Retrieved 6 December 2005.http://www.racesci.org/in_media/y_chromosomes_brit_hist.htm
Y Chromosomes Sketch New Outline of British History]”; Nicolas Wade, ”New York Times” 27 May 2003. Journalistic response to Capelli, ”et al.” (2003). Retrieved 6 December 2005.
http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/19/7/1008 Y
Chromosome Evidence for Anglo-Saxon Mass Migration
Michael E. Weale,1, Deborah A. Weiss, Rolf F. Jager, Neil Bradman and Mark G. Thomas; ”Molecular Biology and Evolution” ”’19”’:1008-1021 (2002). Retrieved 6 December 2005.A Y Chromosome Census of the British Isles”; Cristian Capelli, Nicola Redhead, Julia K. Abernethy, Fiona Gratrix, James F. Wilson, Torolf Moen, Tor Hervig, Martin Richards, Michael P. H. Stumpf, Peter A. Underhill, Paul Bradshaw, Alom Shaha, Mark G. Thomas, Neal Bradman, and David B. Goldstein ”Current Biology”, Volume 13, Issue 11, Pages 979-984 (2003). Retrieved 6 December 2005.
Y-chromosome variation and Irish origins]” ”Nature” Vol 404, 23 March 2000. PDF download. Retrieved 6 December 2005.
English and Welsh are races apart
BBC, 30 June2002. Retrieved 6 December 2005.Genetics make Welsh distinct,
http://www.ucl.ac.uk/tcga/presentations/ASdemo/AS-26-11-03b.html UCL Anglo-Saxon presentation presentation on Anglo-Saxon migration by Weal ”et al.”
http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/programmes/bloodofthevikings/genetics_results_01.shtml Viking genetics survey results , BBC summary of Capelli ”et al.”
copied from Wiki…
2006-03-10 09:04 #30814基佐的欧洲文明史第一讲把蛮族活动放在欧洲文明进程大背景下介绍了一下,如果你有兴趣可以参照,我个人觉得很不错.
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