- 该话题包含 4个回复,2 人参与,最后由
MyriadStars 更新于 2002-07-14 03:15 。
2002-07-13 19:54 #498
我尽量翻译一下,不过没有全部翻译,因为没有看过的书籍还很难说它的标题应该如何翻译,即使它的标题是个很简单的单词,但是越简单的单词常常意思越多,没有看过还真不好翻译。1. A Song of Ice and Fire entire series George R. Martin 8.90 (143)
2. Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien 8.90 (1313)
3. Ender’s Game 1st in series Orson Scott Card 8.66 (1068)
4. The Vorkosigan Series entire series Lois M. Bujold 8.62 (134)
5. Krew Elfow A. Sapkowski 8.49 (34)
6. Roadside Picnic A & B Strugatski 8.48 (75)
7. The Discworld Series entire series Terry Pratchett 8.44 (148)
8. Dune 1st in series Frank Herbert 8.41 (1096)
9. The Lions of Al-Rassan Guy G. Kay 8.37 (116)
10. Palindor 1st in series D.R. Evans 8.36 (29)
11. Tigana Guy G. Kay 8.35 (276)
12. Armor John Steakley 8.32 (43)
13. A Fire Upon the Deep Vernor Vinge 8.32 (333)
14. The Hyperion Cantos entire series Dan Simmons 8.31 (517)
15. The Deed of Paksennarion entire series Elizabeth Moon 8.28 (61)
16. The Dragon Never Sleeps Glen Cook 8.27 (22)
17. The Stars my Destination Alfred Bester 8.27 (280)
18. Tales of the Continuing Time entire series Daniel Keys Moran 8.24 (75)
19. Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes 8.23 (225)
20. Replay Ken Grimwood 8.22 (62)
21. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Robert A. Heinlein 8.22 (497)
22. The Nine Billion Names of God collection Arthur C. Clarke 8.22 (34)
23. The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien 8.21 (806)
24. The Annals of the Black Company entire series Glen Cook 8.21 (138)
25. Bridge of Birds 1st in series Barry Hughart 8.20 (90)
26. Lord of Light Roger Zelazny 8.20 (288)
27. The Princess Bride William Goldman 8.20 (128)
28. The Once and Future King T.H. White 8.19 (116)
29. The Coldfire Trilogy entire series C.S. Friedman 8.19 (52)
30. By the Sword Mercedes Lackey 8.17 (30)
31. Doors of his Face, Lamps of his Mouth collection Roger Zelazny 8.17 (45)
32. The Best of Cordwainer Smith collection Cordwainer Smith 8.16 (34)
33. Watership Down Richard Adams 8.16 (164)
34. Deathbird Stories collection Harlan Ellison 8.15 (20)
35. Persistence of Vision collection John Varley 8.15 (56)
36. Stone of Tears 2nd in series Terry Goodkind 8.15 (107)
37. Memory, Sorrow and Thorn entire series Tad Williams 8.14 (232)
38. The Demolished Man Alfred Bester 8.14 (247)
39. True Names Vernor Vinge 8.14 (75)
40. The Blue Sword Robin McKinley 8.13 (44)
41. The First Chronicles of Amber entire series Roger Zelazny 8.13 (433)
42. Snow Crash Neal Stephenson 8.13 (340)
43. 1984 George Orwell 8.12 (455)
44. Hard to be a God A & B Strugatski 8.11 (32)
45. Quarantine Greg Egan 8.11 (43)
46. Fiasco Stanislaw Lem 8.11 (21)
47. The Hero and the Crown Robin McKinley 8.11 (34)
48. Beetle in the Anthill A & B Strugatski 8.11 (19)
49. Norstrilia Cordwainer Smith 8.10 (63)
50. A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess 8.09 (126)
51. The Cyberiad Stanislaw Lem 8.09 (93)
52. The Last Unicorn Peter Beagle 8.08 (59)
53. Vlad the Assassin Series entire series Steven Brust 8.08 (125)
54. The Anubis Gates Tim Powers 8.08 (174)
55. The Invincible Stanislaw Lem 8.08 (29)
56. Startide Rising David Brin 8.07 (438)
57. Player of Games Iain M. Banks 8.07 (173)
58. Green Hills of Earth collection Robert A. Heinlein 8.06 (72)
59. Soldier of the Mist 1st in series Gene Wolfe 8.06 (23)
60. The Island of Doctor Death and .. collection Gene Wolfe 8.06 (16)
61. Foundation Series entire series Isaac Asimov 8.05 (787)
62. Something Wicked this Way Comes Ray Bradbury 8.05 (115)
63. The Book of the New Sun entire series Gene Wolfe 8.05 (232)
64. Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll 8.05 (140)
65. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 1st in series C.S. Lewis 8.05 (295)
66. Exile 2nd in series R.A. Salvatore 8.04 (49)
流亡 (黑暗精灵的第二本)
67. Tea with the Black Dragon R.A. MacAvoy 8.04 (57)
68. Raising the Stones Sheri S. Tepper 8.04 (29)
69. A Wizard of Earth sea 1st in series Ursula Le Guin 8.03 (394)
70. The Last Herald Mage Trilogy entire series Mercedes Lackey 8.03 (76)
71. Dying Inside Robert Silverberg 8.03 (73)
72. Crystal Express collection Bruce Sterling 8.03 (20)
73. God Stalk 1st in series P.C. Hodgell 8.03 (20)
74. On Stranger Tides Tim Powers 8.02 (45)
75. The Crystal Cave 1st in series Mary Stewart 8.02 (42)
76. Ubik Philip K. Dick 8.02 (157)
77. The Arrows Trilogy entire series Mercedes Lackey 8.01 (36)
78. Harpist in the Wind 3rd in series Patricia McKillip 8.01 (71)
79. Way Station Clifford Simak 8.01 (192)
80. Wheel of Time Series entire series Robert Jordan 8.01 (555)
81. The Fionavar Tapestry entire series Guy G. Kay 8.01 (188)
82. A Canticle for Leibowitz Walter M. Miller 8.01 (350)
83. Voice of the Whirlwind Walter J. Williams 8.00 (37)
84. Futurological Congress Stanislaw Lem 8.00 (60)
85. The Tactics of Mistake 2nd in series Gordon Dickson 8.00 (39)
86. Against a Dark Background Iain M. Banks 8.00 (54)
87. Neutron Star collection Larry Niven 8.00 (153)
88. Cat’s Cradle Kurt Vonnegut 8.00 (122)
89. More than Human Theodore Sturgeon 8.00 (121)
90. A Song for Arbonne Guy G. Kay 8.00 (140)
91. The Madness Season C.S. Friedman 7.99 (20)
92. Brightness Reef 1st in series David Brin 7.99 (62)
93. The Door into Summer Robert A. Heinlein 7.98 (212)
94. Sojourn 3rd in series R.A. Salvatore 7.98 (38)
95. Legend 1st in series David Gemmell 7.98 (39)
96. A Night in the Lonesome October Roger Zelazny 7.98 (42)
97. The Chrysalids John Wyndham 7.98 (97)
98. The Middle Kingdom 1st in series David Wingrove 7.97 (23)
99. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 1st in series Douglas Adams 7.97 (651)
100. Expanded Universe collection Robert A. Heinlein 7.97 (47)2002-07-13 19:59 #9451分析:这个排名和其他的排名一样,也只能作为参考,靠不住的,并且不准确。这个排名只能说明部分读者中流行的程度。
比方说吧,<回忆,悲伤与荆棘> <基地> <费奥纳瓦织锦>我觉得该往前排并且放到前10里面。<黑暗的左手>(the Left Hand of Darkness)改上榜等等。大家也谈谈自己的看法吧。
2002-07-14 01:54 #9452这个啊。当时我作排名还没有全面了解,很不成熟,现在我的排名又有了较大变化,所以还是不要了(事实上我早就想删除那个贴子了,但龙骑的一天之后不能删贴的设置让我一直没能得逞)。我可以再提供两个网上的排名作参考。
2002-07-14 02:51 #9453http://www.majordojo.com/fantasybooks/
两个排名站点,还有个更好的,但一时也找不到在那啦。我给你信箱发一份我的奇幻部分的书签,你有空就自己找找吧。2002-07-14 03:15 #9454刚收到,谢谢。回头我整理一些东西出来给大家看看吧。
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