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crow 更新于 2002-08-13 08:38 。
2002-08-13 08:38 #584
6,约翰•米莱 (1829-1896)
比之罗塞蒂,米莱的作品文学性稍逊,但有一种世俗的温暖。Mariana 玛丽安娜
Painting Date: 1851
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 59.7 x 49.5 cm
Location: Tate Britain, London, England
光的运用相当美,完美的显现出质感与量感,透光的彩色玻璃,女子光滑如丝的金发,天鹅绒面的座椅,以及优美的衣褶。正是这午后的阳光是这平凡的场景给人以优雅的朦胧的感受。The Return of the Dove to the Ark 鸽子回到诺亚方舟
Painting Date: 1851
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 87.6 x 54.6 cm
Location: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England
人物的表情高雅庄严却缺乏热情和生气,这也是拉斐尔前派艺术家的共同特点。Ophelia 奥菲利娅
Painting Date: 1851-52
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 76.2 x 111.8 cm
Location: Tate Britain, London, England
米莱最有名的作品之一。美妙的背景,人物表情也相当动人,但比起沃特豪斯(John Williams Waterhouse)的同名作品就不够优美了。
奥菲利娅是哈姆雷特中悲剧人物,是美好而脆弱的东西的象征。她的爱人杀死了自己的父亲,皇室的阴暗让纯情的少女崩溃,终于选择了死亡。Apple Blossoms 苹果花盛开
Painting Date: 1856-59
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 110.5 x 172.7 cm
Location: Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool, England
明丽的春光,可爱的人物,黄衣女子无邪的神情,这一切所构成的令人愉快的气氛被那把突兀的伸出的镰刀破坏,但也因此加强了冲击力。The Blind Girl 盲女
Painting Date: 1854-56
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 82.6 x 62.2 cm
这幅作品显示了作者对人性的讴歌,对生命的赞颂。The Romans Leaving Britain 离开不列颠
Painting Date: 1865
Medium: Oil on panel
Size: 45.7 x 69.9 cm (18 x 27 1/2 in)
Location: Private Collection
身为英国人的米莱用浪漫主义而不是英雄主义来诠释这一主题实在出人意料,但这也的确是拉斐尔前派艺术家的作风。The Eve of Saint Agnes 圣艾格尼斯前夜
Painting Date: 1863
Medium: Unknown
Size: Unknown
Location: Unknown
如同黑白照片,单色画往往更能使人感动。这幅作品也是这样,单色创造出神秘的幽静的气氛。令人看时不禁屏住呼吸。The Crown of Love 爱之冕
Painting Date: 1875
Medium: Oil on canvas
Size: 127.6 x 86.7 cm (50 1/4 x 34 1/4 in)
Location: Unknown
梅瑞狄斯(George Meredith)的这首诗完美的诠释了这幅画:‘O, might I load my arms
with thee,
Like that young lover of
Who loved and gain’d so
The fair Princess of France.
Because he dared to love so
He, bearing her dear weight,
must speed
To where the mountain
touch’d the sky.
So the proud king decreed
Unhalting he must bear her
Nor pause a space to gather
and on the height she would
be won:
And she was won in death’ -
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