
天人论坛 奇幻文学与艺术 美术作品 关于奇幻艺术6

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  • #589

      7,亚瑟•休斯 (Arthur Hughes 1832-1915)
      有人曾这样评价他的画:”the knife-edge between sentiment and sentimentality” 但因为明亮的用色和细致的细节,休斯的作品并不显得感伤。 他也是一个十分活跃的插画家。

      Ophelia    奥菲利娅
      Painting Date: 1851-53
      Medium: Oil on canvas
      Size: 68.5 x 124 cm
      Location: Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester, England

      ‘There is a willow grows aslant the brook,
      That shows his hoar leaves in the glassy stream;
      There with fantastic garlands did she come.
      Of crow-flowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples.
      There on the pendant boughs her coronet weeds
      Clambering to hang an envious sliver broke.
      When down the weedy trophies and herself
      Fell in the weeping brook.’

      April Love    四月之恋
      Painting Date: 1855-56
      Medium: Oil on canvas
      Size: 89 x 49.5 cm
      Location: Tate Britain, London, England

      1856年此画展出时附有丁尼生(Tennyson)的磨坊主的女儿(The Miller’s Daughter)中的诗句作为注释:

      ‘Love is hurt with jar and fret.
      Love is made a vague regret;
      Eyes with idle tears are wet,
      Idle habit links us yet.
      What is love? for we forget:
      Ah, no! no!’
      “相当优雅,可爱的色彩。少女颤抖的嘴唇,甜美温柔的脸,犹豫不决的姿态,就像在风中颤抖的树叶上的一滴剔透的露珠。”(引自Academy Notes, 1856, 14.68).

      Knight of the Sun     太阳骑士
      Painting Date: 1861 (?)
      Medium: Watercolour
      Size: 22.5 x 32 cm
      Location: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England


      Ophelia and He Will Not Come Again  奥菲利娅
      Painting Date: 1863-64
      Medium: Oil on canvas
      Size: 94.5 x 59.5 cm
      Location: Toledo Museum of Art, Toldeo, Ohio, USA
      ‘Ophelia (sings)
      And will he not come again?
      And will he not come again?
      No, no he is dead
      Go to thy death-bed
      He never will come again.
      His beard was as white as snow,
      All flaxen was his poll:
      He is gone, he is gone,
      And we cast away moan;
      Gramercy on his soul!
      And of all Christian souls, I pray God –
      God be wi’ you.

      The Lady of Shalott
      Painting Date: 1872-3 (?)
      Medium: Oil on canvas
      Size: 95 x 160 cm
      Location: Unknown


      ‘Out upon the wharfs they came,
      Knight and burgher, lord and dame,
      And round the prow they read her name,
      The Lady of Shalott’

      Sir Galahad   加拉哈德
      Painting Date: 1865-70
      Medium: Oil on canvas
      Size: 113 x 167.5 cm
      Location: Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, England


      ‘The clouds are broken in the sky,
      And thro’ the mountain-walls,
      A rolling organ-harmony
      Swells up, and shakes and falls,
      Then move the trees, the copses nod,
      Wings flutter, voices hover clear:
      Oh just and faithful knight of God!
      Ride on: the prize is near.
      So pass I hostel, hall, and grange;
      By bridge and ford, by park and pale,
      All-arm’d I ride, whate’er betide,
      Until I find the holy Grail’.
      A gentle sound, an awful sight!
      Three angels bear the holy grail:
      With folded feet, in stoles of white,
      On sleeping wings they sail.’

      Wonderland    仙境
      Painting Date: 1912
      Medium: Unknown
      Size: Unknown
      Location: Unknown


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