
天人论坛 相关资料与背景 奇幻资料 冰与火之歌家族格言大全

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  • #1660

      In the area of King’s Landing
      House Targaryen of King’s Landing – Fire and Blood
      House Buckwell of the Antlers – Pride and Purpose
      House Stokeworth of Stokeworth – Proud to Be Faithful
      House Wendwater (***) – For All Seasons
      House Follard (**) – None so Wise
      On Dragonstone
      House Velaryon of Driftmark – The Old, the True, the Brave

      In the North
      House Stark of Winterfell – Winter Is Coming
      House Cerwyn of Cerwyn – Honed and Ready
      House Flint of Widow’s Watch – Ever Vigilant
      House Hornwood of Hornwood – Righteous in Wrath
      House Karstark of Karhold – The Sun of Winter
      House Mormont of Bear Island – Here We Stand
      House Tallhart of Torrhen’s Square – Proud and Free

      On the Iron Islands
      House Greyjoy of Pyke – We Do Not Sow

      In the Riverlands
      House Tully of Riverrun – Family, Duty, Honor
      House Mallister of Seagard – Above the Rest
      House Mooton of Maidenpool – Wisdom and Strength
      House Piper of Pinkmaiden – Brave and Beautiful
      House Smallwood of Acorn Hall – From These Beginnings
      House Wode (**) – Touch Me Not

      In the Vale
      House Arryn of the Eyrie – As High as Honor
      House Redfort of Redfort – As Strong as Stone
      House Royce of Runestone – We Remember
      House Waxley of Wickenden – Light in Darkness
      House Egen (***) – By Day or Night
      House Tollett (**) – When All Is Darkest
      House Wydman (**) – Right Conquers Might

      In the Westerlands
      House Lannister of Casterly Rock – Hear Me Roar!
      House Crakehall of Crakehall – None so Fierce
      House Marbrand of Ashemark – Burning Bright
      House Prester of Feastfires- Tireless
      House Sarsfield of Sarsfield – True to the Mark
      House Serrett of Silverhil – I Have No Rival
      House Swyft of Cornfield – Awake! Awake!
      House Westerling of the Crag – Honor, Not Honors
      House Plumm (****) – Come Try Me
      House Peckledon (***) – Unflinching

      In the Reach
      House Tyrell of Highgarden (HG2) – Growing Strong
      House Ashford of Ashford – Our Sun Shines Bright
      House Beesbury of the Honeyholt – Beware Our Sting
      House Bulwer of Blackcrown – Death Before Disgrace
      House Footly of Tumbleton – Tread Lightly Here
      House Fossoway of Cider Hall – A Taste of Glory
      House Graceford of Holyhall – Work Her Will
      House Hightower of Hightower – We Light the Way
      House Merryweather of Longtable – Behold Our Bounty
      House Oakheart of Old Oak – Our Roots Go Deep
      House Tarly of Horn Hill – First in Battle
      House Ambrose (****) – Never Resting
      House Hastwyck (***) – None so Dutiful

      In the Stormlands
      House Baratheon of Storm’s End – Ours Is the Fury
      House Caron of Nightsong – No Song so Sweet
      House Grandison of Grandview – Rouse Me Not
      House Penrose of Parchments – Set Down Our Deeds
      House Trant of Gallowsgrey – So End Our Foes
      House Lonmouth (***) – The Choice Is Yours
      House Swygert (**) – Truth Conquers
      House Toyne (**) – Fly High, Fly Far
      House Wensington (**) – Sound the Charge

      In Dorne
      House Martell of Sunspear – Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
      House Allyrion of Godsgrace – No Foe May Pass
      House Fowler of Skyreach – Let Me Soar
      House Jordayne of the Tor – Let It Be Written
      House Yronwood of Yronwood – We Guard the Way

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